reading, is there a purpose?

We read on our commutes, while we’re on vacation, before going to bed, and whenever an opportunity strikes us. It could be a tangible book or a digital version. Sometimes we may opt for listening to a book instead. Wherever your choice, whatever your medium, reading has not lost its lust. Truthfully it feels like it’s having another turn in the spotlight.

Many articles these days speak about the habits of successful people, and one of them is definitely reading. However, it’s not about reading merely for entertainment, it’s about reading for a purpose. Learning more. Educating oneself on the industry they are in, etc.

I used to do this all the time, especially when I was in grad school, and starting new jobs, to ensure I was on top of my game. Lately, I’ve been slacking a bit, but a friend who is a total geek (in a good way) reminded me that it’s important not to lose this habit. It keeps us on our toes, and ensures we always have insightful knowledge for our own education and to share.

And of course now…I’m back in the habit.

Here are my tricks to stay on top of my purposeful reading, while still getting to do my suspense novel reading too!

  • Subscribe to newsletters of blogs and publications that you trust for relevant and accurate information
  • Set up an app reader to collect all the topics you want in one place
  • Choose a couple apps for the most important pubs you want to stay in touch with regularly
  • Clip posts and articles to save and have to reference
  • Take notes and highlight when you can, so you don’t have to re-read

It shouldn’t be a chore if you’re truly interested in the industry and topics. You will hopefully feel good like you would after a workout. Can’t ever deny the happiness after a good workout, right?

Read on.


image source – pixabay

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