
Flip the Story on Valentine’s Day

As Valentine's day is once again around the corner, every store, restaurant, and media outlet is looking for a way to make the most out of the "hallmark" holiday. Hearts everywhere. Chocolate. Cupid. Pink. Red. Fixed Menus for the "special" occasion. All of it, surrounding us since Christmas and the New Year ended. But does ...


But do you journal?

Journaling is something I started a few years ago and I'm always looking for the right notebook or journal to help write out my thoughts, ideas, or just doodle sometimes. Journaling is great way to reduce stress boost mindfulness encourage space from your thoughts acknowledging what you feel a way to process what's going on in your life determining where ...


The Ultimate Holiday Playlist is Out of the Oven

Once again, we decided to heat up the ultimate holiday playlist which has been building over the years and is now 150 songs large. From classic to pop to alt Christmas and holiday songs for your listening pleasure. We just wanted to add a little more pizazz with some of the latest ones to pop ...


Friendship & Soulmates

Soulmates aren't just about romantic relationships. We build relationships with our friends and those can grow close and become soulmates too. Don't you remember Jack and Jen on Dawson's Creek? They were there for each other through thick and thin. They knew each other down to their core. They don't have clocks or understand the ...


The playlist you don’t have

Why you shouldn't listen to this new pipin' hot playlist by our founder --- It's got new hits and nostalgia tracks It'll make you dance in your chair It'll make you sing along It's the type of playlist that makes you think you're awesome You will probably listen to some songs over and over and over ...but damn that sounds pretty ...


Who Rules the World…Women

It's women's history month. We just had international women's day. So what do we need? A female empowered playlist, ready for women's history month and everyday women empowering other women. Having each other's back because why not? How we empower each other: we speak their name when they're not in the room, to boost them up we ...


Live life like a kid again…

By Sunday, February 18, 2024 0 , , , , Permalink

Listen to our podcast, where I have a revelation on how I really got into the show criminal minds or check out the blog post below. Do you remember how simple life seemed when we were little? Saturday cartoons. Burgers and fries. Playing outside. Swing sets. Jumping in leaves. Building legos. Taking naps. Watching TGIF. ...


When life turns into “go go go”

By Saturday, September 23, 2023 0 , , , , Permalink

Autumn is here, which also means a time of year when things are picking up speed. All the good things including family events, community gatherings, school, work trips, football season, plans with friends and loved ones, and more. All great in theory, but sometimes it adds up and your calendar looks like it threw up ...


Fall into this Autumn Playlist

By Saturday, September 16, 2023 0 , , , , Permalink

The perfect way to fall into this pumpkin spiced season is a playlist full of moody vibey tunes ... Are you ready for Hocus Pocus, Practical Magic, The Craft, Gilmore Girls, and Harry Potter season? Because we are. It's full of apple pies, pumpkin pies, cozy warm feelings, and comfortable nights with that chill in ...


When things feel difficult, focus on the present

...Be grateful, for what you do have, and worry less about what you don't. The grass always seems greener, but sometimes it's just a mirage. Things can get tough whether it be work, relationships, family issues, health... but in the end a lot of these things are either temporary, and there are bigger things at ...


adopt don’t shop

By Saturday, July 22, 2023 0 , , , , Permalink

Thinking about adopting a pet? I've noticed the trend more-so during the pandemic and less often since then, but it's always a wonderful idea. A wonderful idea if you're truly prepared and ready for the responsibility when it comes to expenses time devotion to training and care understanding an animal becomes family not a toy the love ...


Can you see through the storm?

Let's take a little journey and see if we can see through to the other side together? She ran into the storm Thunder surrounding her Lighting crashing behind and in front of her Rain coming sideways She wasn't able to see 6 inches ahead Yet she kept moving She knew she had to She had to keep moving The storm was one she ...


Judgement is inevitable when you do this

With the advent of social media, blogs, and other mediums that allow you to broadcast your personal brand at the click of a button, brings on another beast. Judgement. Actors and famous people have had to deal with the issue of the media and putting out their image in tabloids for decades now. In that ...


Acceptance, if only it were so simple

Listen to our latest podcast episode on practicing acceptance or read out blog post below. February and March has been a tad frustrating for me because I injured my right hip/glute/back area from weight lifting (I think) or something clumsy - you never know with me. Unfortunately, not only was this painful physically, but emotionally ...


Telling your ‘inner critic’ to chill

Listen to our podcast episode or read the post below, your choice. Have you ever doubted yourself? Had imposter syndrome? Or just wondered, can I do this? I'm pretty sure at one point (or many points) in time, we all have. No one is confident one hundred percent of the time, and that is perfectly ...


Dealing with body image issues in 2023

Note: this post was written in its entirety by ChatGPT Dealing with body image issues in 2023 will likely involve a combination of self-care strategies and professional help. Some tips for self-care include: Focusing on self-compassion and treating yourself with kindness. Practicing mindfulness, which can help you be more present and less self-critical. Engaging in regular physical activity and ...


Work-Life Balance or Harmony?

I had always thought work-life "balance" was the key to happiness, but recently came upon the term work-life harmony, and am now revisiting the right way to approach life - for me. According to a Forbes article, "Work-life harmony is about you. It’s about your energy and where you invest it to make your life ...


My word (not a resolution) for 2023

By Sunday, December 18, 2022 0 , , , , Permalink

We recently had a podcast episode around reflection, and as this blog post speaks on some of those topics, it also takes it a step further into 2023. Read on, for more... Today we're taking a moment to reflect on our resolutions, and words for the year and upcoming New Year. Reflection is definitely something that ...


What If You Weren’t Feeling So Thankful This Past Thanksgiving?

By Sunday, November 13, 2022 0 , , , , Permalink

Written by former contributing blogger, Daniela Forte (RIP). What comes to mind when you think of November? Thanksgiving, of course. But, what if you don’t feel so thankful for everything you have this holiday season?  Or you are struggling to be grateful for what you have in your life because there is just too much weighing ...


she rose despite the thorns

By Saturday, October 29, 2022 0 , , , , Permalink

...fall into a poem, that may even inspire you... She felt beatenLike ropes on sunburnt skinHer tears swollen against her She laid thereNo words spokenHer breath just a beat She couldn’t lift her armRaise a word from her mouthSmell the fire around her Her life a furyHer heart a mazeHer head ready to fight She wasn’t one to lay downShe ...


It feels like summer…

Okay okay, some parts of the country/world have warm temps throughout the year, but if you're a new englander like myself, the seasonal changes are bit more substantial. Going from blizzards to torrential downpours to steamy summers, it's quite the change of pace throughout the year. But...when the the temps warm up, and the sun ...


In need of an inspirational quote?

Sometimes we all need a little inspiration. Or a reminder that we're on the right track or have made it pretty far. Here are a few inspirational quotes I've found recently, heard, or thought of myself: Acknowledge the fear and do it anyway - Emma LovewellBe bold, or stay stagnantEmbrace change as change is a ...


Five reasons not to give up on what matters …

By Saturday, February 26, 2022 0 , , , , Permalink

It can be tiring, running on a hamster wheel - waking up, coffee, shower, working, cooking dinner (maybe), working out (maybe), unwinding (hopefully), bed, rinse and repeat. Whether you go into work or work from home, it's a repetitive cycle, especially in winter when getting out seems harder (mentally and sometimes physically) to do. ...