In your 20s, your friends surround you. In your 30s your friends are spread everywhere. They are in the burbs, different cities, different states, even continents. As cliché, as it sounds thank goodness for the digital age. Nowadays we can text, gchat, snap, and gram our friends in seconds and feel an assemblence of connection ...
Technology Saved the Friendship
Most of the time I say, take a break from technology. Put down the phone. Put away the computer, and chill out and have a real conversation. Push out the noise, and have some old school bonding time. Make some cookies and drink wine while chatting about the latest things happening in your lives. A friendship ...
Social investment.
I'm guilty. When I wake up, I turn over, grab my iPhone and do the following: Email - anything happen overnight that matters? Another meeting? Cool event this week? Instagram - Any fun photos to "like" this AM? Who liked my photos from yesterday? Any fun ideas for my outfit today? Facebook - I see an alert. What is it? Nope just another FB ...