Finding the coolest show soundtrack

Recently I got into the new show Whiskey Cavalier, and some how hate it, while others may love it. I of course, love it as it has Scott Foley from Felicity and Scandal. He has only gotten better with age…no exaggeration here. Anyway, the opening credits have a song that just grabs your attention, so I Shazam’d it to sink my teeth in further. And as I went through Spotify I couldn’t help but check out to see if the soundtrack was there too. And guess what, it is.

And what do you know…it’s kind of amazing. It has the perfect mix of alternative, soft relaxing, and ready, set go. I listened to it on my walk around the city the other day and I immediately knew I had to share it with this group, as it is the typical playlist I would have made myself.

Check it out and listen now!


pixabay – spotify soundtrack

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