Fresh Spring Beginnings

Written by contributing blogger, Sonia Sahota.

We can all agree that this winter has been one for the books. Thankfully, there is a light at the end of the tunnel…. SPRING is near! Spring is definitely my favorite season of the year. I like to think that spring brings new beginnings. As winter passes, and flowers blossom – everything feels refreshed and renewed. Has there been an activity or something on your to-do list that you haven’t made time for because you’re “too busy” or “too tired” from work? In reality, we can all make time. But winter has this way of making us all want to stay indoors and snuggle up with a glass of pinot noir and the next episode of Scandal. This spring, let’s all make a pact to do something that makes us feel renewed and revitalized. Whether it is waking up at 5:30am for sunrise yoga instead of hitting snooze five times or giving back to the community by volunteering in your local neighborhood. Years fly by the older we grow, so let’s make the most of our time and be the best versions of ourselves this spring. To get you started – here are some fun ideas below.

  • Give back to the community by volunteering at a local non-profit. Many under-funded charities could use an extra helping hand. There is so much love and kindness in this world – let’s put some of that to good use.
  • Wake up and grind! Set your alarm for sunrise yoga or another early workout to kick-start your day. It will be tough but remember it takes twenty-one days to make a habit and then you will feel unstoppable!
  • Join a sports or dance team. You have been constantly telling yourself that you will get back into volleyball again. Test your skills and try out your favorite college sport to revitalize yourself. Spring is the best time to enjoy outdoor sports with the fresh air and evening breeze.
  • Brush up on your French and enroll in a class. It is never too late to learn a language and may come in handy when your trip to Europe rolls around next year.
  • Mentor – Everyone has a unique career road map, which brings a vast amount of skill sets and stories. Become a mentor and pass along your knowledge to those starting out their journey.

Let us know how you decided to become the best you this Spring!


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