Everyone needs a new playlist to start the year off right? It's not "new year, new me" it's "new year, new whatever YOU want" because it's your year. It's not about the perfect resolution or need to be perfect at all. Because it's about progress, not perfection. This playlist is about kicking the year off in ...
My word (not a resolution) for 2023
We recently had a podcast episode around reflection, and as this blog post speaks on some of those topics, it also takes it a step further into 2023. Read on, for more... Today we're taking a moment to reflect on our resolutions, and words for the year and upcoming New Year. Reflection is definitely something that ...
Reflecting Back…
With the year coming to an end (I cannot actually believe it's already here), it's a great time to reflect back on intentions and see how far you've come. Want to consider more about your purpose, intentions, and goals and resolutions for 2022 and perhaps how you move into next year? Before you plan, or reflect, listen ...
Five reasons not to give up on what matters …
It can be tiring, running on a hamster wheel - waking up, coffee, shower, working, cooking dinner (maybe), working out (maybe), unwinding (hopefully), bed, rinse and repeat. Whether you go into work or work from home, it's a repetitive cycle, especially in winter when getting out seems harder (mentally and sometimes physically) to do. ...
The one and only resolution you need this New Year
updated post... We all do it. We think through what we can do better, what more we want of the upcoming year. How much further we want to be in our careers, relationships, finances, happiness and more. There are a lot of resolutions we can make. And sometimes too many. Instead of making a huge ass list, ...
Keep moving
Your goals. It may be 2021, but it's just another year. Some of us use the "fresh start" of January to help us regain motivation and to jump into new areas of productivity and health --- which are all great. Any inspiration or motivation we can find or use, is a good thing. Things to ...
Resolution fatigue
Have you ever thought so hard about all the things you want to accomplish and then runaway from your to do list? When it comes to resolutions, there's so much to consider - health, money, relationships, projects, and more. Sometimes it's as simple as picking a new hobby, or walking a certain amount each day. ...
Part 1: Looking back on the year
With the year's end approaching, and the New Year closer than we would probably like it...most of us cannot help but think about how the year went. Was it all we wanted? Could we have done more? Did we achieve our resolutions? And so much more. Instead of stressing over the year's end, how about ...
Looking back
It's that time of year. The end of a year. The beginning of a new one. The end of a decade. The beginning of a new one. 2020. What is coming? What do we plan to leave behind? It's not easy to reflect and be honest about what needs to change. It's even harder to ...
what’s your life list?
Instead of thinking of a "bucket" list, where you think you won't have much time, and want to accomplish a certain list before moving or if you're ill, etc -- what about a life list? One, it sounds more positive and uplifting because it's about living your list rather than trying to get through a list. ...