It’s easy to succumb to the desserts, the indulgent foods, and oh so many carbs. For some reason the holidays become an excuse for over-eating and eating whatever we want. But it doesn’t have to be. Yes, we should enjoy the deliciousness of holiday cooking, but it doesn’t have to be all bad, and so much bad.
Instead, why not choose a few healthier versions of your favorites so you feel a bit less guilty, and who knows maybe even your guests will be surprised by how great it can still taste.
Gluten and Dairy free baked goods – Find alternatives to regular flour and dairy. Consider coconut and almond flour.
Fruit and Cheese – Instead of baked goods
Simpler cocktails – less ingredients, and all quality ingredients. Avoid juice and pre-prepared mixers. For example, always use fresh lime juice for more appealing cocktails.
Vegetables – Instead of casseroles and breadcrumbs, consider steamed vegetables as a side.
Water – drink water before and after your meal. You’ll feel full faster and less likely to eat more than you need.
Choose Pumpkin – Pumpkin pie is less of a culprit than the other pies out there like Pecan.
Cook more – Prepare it yourself. That way you know there’s less butter, sugar, and/or oil. You can prepare it with more reasonable amounts.
And remember, it’s ok to indulge a little. We only live once.
Image source – stage buddy