Read the post or listen to our podcast episode about the highlight reel in social media…
Have you ever noticed that social media is filled with filters, the perfect moments, the moments that are chosen and edited in just the right way, the right angle, the right lighting, and shown with the copy and context that makes it feel just right… sharing the view people want you to see or have of them.
It’s an edited highlight reel of real life. But how much of it is real?
I recently shared a post on instagram of myself with and without makeup, demonstrating just that. Everything in social media is what people want you to see.
This is not to say there is anything wrong with presenting your best self. There is nothing wrong with wearing makeup or doing your hair just the way you like it. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be on trend and having fun with them. I know I sure do, because I love fashion and tweaking my style based on what I like from the current trends.
However, it doesn’t mean the trends and filters should own us. We own them, and we should allow in the pieces that bring out the best version of ourselves, not the other way around.
Letting people only see the filtered life you live, is only showing a piece of yourself. How about your whole self?
There are great influencers like Danae Mercer who shows you the real and the unreal and promotes loving yourself, stretch marks and all, and not being ashamed to show all of you.
I used to think oh my god I can’t have a photo that shows any blemish or that armpit fat, or the wrong angle that makes me look not as great as that other angle.
Yes, I do edit, and change some photos to have fun with them, but I also show the real, the raw, and the fun/corny side of myself. For me it’s balance.
What is it for you? Think about it…
image source: pixabay