Let’s take a little journey and see if we can see through to the other side together?
She ran into the storm
Thunder surrounding her
Lighting crashing behind and in front of her
Rain coming sideways
She wasn’t able to see 6 inches ahead
Yet she kept moving
She knew she had to
She had to keep moving
The storm was one she had built
It was filled with grief, guilt, sadness
It was tormented by jealousy, anger, pain
Searing with emotion
A storm of her own
Why couldn’t she see forward
Why did the ground feel like quicksand
When did the madness become too much
When did she lose control of her own life
She kept going
The storm was just a storm
And storms don’t last
Even if rubble might remain
A lightning strike made her jump
In that second in a puddle she saw her reflection
A woman once full of life love kindness
She had to get back to her
She needed to get back to her
A woman she admired and was proud to be
The only way was through
The bolts of lightning started to fizzle
The thunder was in her rearview
The rain turning to drizzle
She could see the other side
She could see her former, yet future self
A woman she just had to get to
With each step
She got closer
Not giving up
Holding her head high despite the heaviness
The clouds started to part
She was drenched, but she knew it was only temporary
The hope of the better version of herself was there all along
She just had to see through the storm
image source: pixabay