...no, not a fad. not a diet. not a reason to lose weight. an allergy. A pain in the butt huge, allergy. Gluten became the bane of my existence about 7-8 years ago. I realized I was starting to feel like crap fairly often after eating, mostly after eating out. Getting tested for allergies, wasn't ...
Why is Ginger so awesome?
Ginger. My friend. My savior. Every time I feel a little...let's say nauseous...ginger has been there for me. That's why I will never...ever...mix ginger ale or ginger equivalent with alcohol. It's my safety drink. I count on it the bad days and the eh, it could be better days. But why is ginger such a powerful ...
Must Have – Comfort Food
Summer is coming. There are juice cleanses. Diets. Exercise regimens. And so much more. We've all done. We jump on, we jump off, and start all over again. Say hi to your hamster buddies...we've all been on the wheel. Here's the thing - it's hard not to crave your comfort foods. Whether it's pizza, ice cream, ...
What does wellness look like for you?
Health and wellness...something we all need a dose of on the regular. But what does it mean? Yes yes, exercise and nutrition and all that good stuff. But really? What are the specifics? It depends. Safe answer? Maybe. True? Definitely. We all have different bodies, different nutritional/dietary needs, can go on different amounts of sleep, and carry different ...
From Challenge to Choice
Written by blog contributor, Kellie Knapp. It’s no secret that I love sweets. Cupcakes, candy, cookies, ice cream. You name it, I will devour it. That was up until a month ago. I decided to challenge myself and cut out sweets from my diet for 30 days. Let me state that I still allowed myself to ...
How to eat well despite the parties
The holidays are fast approaching, and so are all the holiday parties. It happens every year. And then comes January 1, and we're scrambling to get to the gym and looking for the next fad diet to make up for our indulgences. But why not set yourself up for success from the get-go? Here are my tips ...
My Gluten Story
I realized over the past year that I was getting constant migraines and upset stomach issues when I would eat out or sometimes even when I made my own meals. It was pretty frequent, and almost immediate after I had a meal. I knew there was an allergic reaction happening but determining what it was, ...
Radiate from the Inside: Healthy Skin is the Way to Begin
Guest post by Suruchi Bhatia. Read more on Suruchi below. Ahhhh, the joys of makeup! It is every woman’s daily opportunity to channel her inner creativity and express her artistic side. Your face is your canvas and every product your palette. You can reinvent who you are with just a swipe of a brush. Feeling feisty? ...