Remember the days we didn't have to do all our own chores, had meals made for us, and only really had to worry about our homework and hygiene? Wow, I miss those days sometimes. Being an adult can be a real pain in the ass. There are a multitude of bills to pay, regular budgeting, ...
What if chores were less of a chore?
I am the first to admit, I hate doing chores. I'm not domestic. I don't get stress relief from cleaning. So each Sunday when it comes down to cleaning the apartment...dread fills the air. So how can chores be less of a chore? How can it be beneficial for those of us who don't enjoy ...
How to make chores less of a chore
I admit, I hate being domestic including cleaning and food prepping and laundry and all that lovely Monica from Friends stuff. I dread the "adulting" part of the weekends when I need to make my apartment clean again - and I don't mean Monica clean, I mean, regular clean. Yes, I do it. I do ...
So many intentions, so little “adulting”
Every week and especially weekend, I think to myself, I'm going to such an awesome "adult" and get all these tasks completed - everything from laundry to spring/fall cleaning, to reading that book I've had on my coffee table for weeks, put in extra time for my workout, eat healthier because I have the time ...
Six ways to be more productive this summer
You know when the weather is gorgeous and all your friends are hanging at the beach, there is no way you want to be doing work or "adulting"... but it is possible to get shit done, and still have fun. Here's how you can strike your summer balance: Wake up earlier - Luckily this time of ...
How to make your Mondays a little less blue
Written by contributing blogger, Sonia Sahota. I woke up last Sunday morning wishing that I had an extra day between Sunday and Monday. Mondays remind you of the long and dreary week ahead. An hour after tossing, turning and the debate to sleep in..I decided I’m tired of feeling this way on Sunday mornings. Truth is, ...
Adulting Like a Pro
It's Saturday, and damn it feels good. And the last thing you want to think about after a long work week is "adulting." Aka chores, errands, and all that "fun" stuff. Isn't that an app for that? Actually some, but we'll get there. There's no reason to avoid and dread it all, because you can ...
5 Apps to Help You Manage Your Time Better
Written by guest blogger Cassie Phillips. Technology advancement has brought with it numerous benefits that have improved the quality of our lives. With it, however, there are also more distractions. Who hasn’t wasted time perusing Facebook at work or playing a game? Even those who don’t procrastinate often feel there’s simply not enough time in the ...