You've worked your butt off all week, and now it's the weekend. The last thing you want to do is be productive, use your computer, or do chores. So you let some things slide, and decide to be lazy. Come Monday, you regret this because now you still have all this "adulting" to do on ...
Get out of that funk
Feeling a little not yourself? Cranky? Frustrated? Moody? It happens to the best of us. Some trigger caused it, and the "funk" appears to linger longer than usual and disturbs our sleep, our productivity and our emotional senses. No one wants to be stuck in this realm. It's just sucky. So what can we do? Here are a ...
Too little, too late
There was a day, when a friend jeopardized our friendship by creating distance through unanswered calls, little to no texts, and not even the regular holiday or birthday messages. It's unfortunate when friendships fade, but what happens when that person tries to re-enter your life? Do you let them? In my opinion, it depends on the ...
February is Lit…
To many of us January felt like a year, rather than a few weeks. Even my hairstylist felt like she hadn't seen me in months rather than the usual 8 weeks. Either way we made it! And now February is lighting up our lives, and so is this playlist - for your listening pleasure. Listen now! #radiatedaily image ...
Soulmates or friends?
What's your reality? The romantic comedies, the tv shows, the novels, and even some of us, think there is one soulmate out there for each of us. And somehow in those movies in all the people in the world, somehow their soulmate is just around the corner, a high school sweetheart, or a prince who just ...
4 ways to be more present
Written by contributing blogger, Sonia Sahota. Hello 2019! How in the world did that happen? It feels like just the other day it was 2014. As we ring in the New Year, we are all looking for ways to better ourselves and create resolutions that we will actually stick to. This year, I decided I ...
It’s in the moment
The years seem to fly by...the day goes from our morning rush to our evening slumber before we realize it. The summer passes, the fall swishes by, and winter holidays are suddenly upon us. And then...we're already looking back at the year that's gone and forward at the upcoming new year. Before it's even Christmas, ...
Blossom or Whither
She ran down the path towards the river, feeling free. She had escaped the toxicity of a relationship that was holding her back. A friendship that made her feel like she had to try too hard just to even breathe in the same room. A friend who made her struggle to get ready to get ...
Shifting your Perspective
Written by contributing blogger, Sonia Sahota. I woke up this morning with a jolt of energy to start my day because I realized it’s my last full week of living in the heart of Boston. I realized how much love and pure happiness I have for this city. So much has happened since I moved to ...
what about the moment?
Have you ever been out to lunch and are already thinking of what's happening for dinner? Or thinking of the next weekend when it's only Monday? I know I used to be horrible at this, and still do this time to time...where I leave the moment, and look ahead to upcoming ones. Not a bad ...