Taking the time to do the long distance friendship

By Saturday, May 20, 2017 0 , , , , Permalink

In your 20s, your friends surround you. In your 30s your friends are spread everywhere. They are in the burbs, different cities, different states, even continents. As cliché, as it sounds thank goodness for the digital age. Nowadays we can text, gchat, snap, and gram our friends in seconds and feel an assemblence of connection ...

Mother’s and Father’s Day – a regular ritual?

I was recently speaking to my hair stylist, mid-cut, and she mentioned that her family didn’t celebrate Mother’s Day. They celebrated Women’s Day in March, and ensured they gave care and appreciation for their parents on a regular basis, rather than celebrating extra once a year. This made me think…shouldn’t we all do this? Yes, ...

10 Things we Learned from “Friends”

The show Friends was iconic especially in the late 90s, yet we can't help but binge on it again and again on Netflix. Because it's not just amusing, but it's relatable and aspirational in some ways. So what have we learned over 10 seasons? Apartments in NYC are not like Monica's, unless you are grandfathered in, ...